17 |
Vol.47,No4_(2016)_4: Security Implications of a Nuclear North Korea: Crisis Stability |
Jong Kun Choi, Jong- |
0 |
2017-01-02 |
16 |
Vol.47,No4_(2016)_3: The North Korean Ballistic Missile Program |
Theodore A. Postol, |
0 |
2017-01-02 |
15 |
Vol.47,No4_(2016)_1: The North Korean Nuclear Multilemma: Options to Break the Nuclear Deadlock in N... |
Peter Hayes, Chung-i |
0 |
2017-01-02 |
14 |
Vol.48,No1_(2017)_7:National Heterogeneity and Transnational Linkage to Homeland: The Case of Korean... |
Yoon Kyong Lee |
0 |
2017-03-22 |
13 |
Vol.48,No1_(2017)_6:Political Knowledge and Voter Turnout in South Korea |
Jinhee Jo, Jinyoung |
0 |
2017-03-22 |
12 |
Vol.48,No1_(2017)_5:Asymmetrical Corporate Responses to Economic Information: Firm-Size Effect in Ko... |
Wansoo Lee, Min-Kyu |
0 |
2017-03-22 |
11 |
Vol.48,No1_(2017)_4:A Human Security Perspective of South Korea's Civil Nuclear Power |
Sean O'Malley |
0 |
2017-03-22 |
10 |
Vol.48,No1_(2017)_3:An Identity Aspect to the "Wars" of Maps in East Asia: Focusing on the... |
Si Jin Oh |
0 |
2017-03-22 |
9 |
Vol.48,No2_(2017)_6:Portrayals of Foreign-Born Residents in South Korean Crime News |
Yung-Ho Im,Yoon Y.Ch |
0 |
2017-06-29 |
8 |
Vol.48,No2_(2017)_5:Civic and Political Engagement of Korean Chinese (Joseonjok) in Korea:Case of Ac... |
Jang,Ahnlee,Kang,Sun |
0 |
2017-06-29 |
7 |
Vol.48,No2_(2017)_4:Public Participation in the Siting of Nuclear Waste Facilities:International Les... |
David S.Kelleher |
0 |
2017-06-29 |
6 |
Vol.48,No2_(2017)_2:Living on the Margin:Downward Mobility and the Plight of the Self-Employed in Ne... |
Myungji Yang |
0 |
2017-06-29 |
5 |
Vol.48,No2_(2017)_1:Presidential Priority and Political Appointment: Ordered Logit Regression Analys... |
Hyunki Shin,Sun Choi |
0 |
2017-06-29 |
4 |
KO_Vol48No3_1_Videostyle of Televised Political Advertising in Korean Presidential Elections |
Soobum Lee |
0 |
2017-09-28 |
3 |
KO_Vol48No3_2_Television News Formats and Constructing the Public Sphere: A Case Study on the Sewol ... |
Yungwook Kim |
0 |
2017-09-28 |